


1. the right to precede others in order, rank, privilege, etc.; precedence.

2.Something afforded or deserving prior attention.

3. An established right to precedence

I would think that every person would like to consider themselves important. but to what ranking would people put you in?.. where do you fit on the scale of peoples priorities? to think that the world completely revolves around you is different then feeling as if you deserve someones attention. what even makes you qualified to be noticed in a persons life.


everyone is placed in a category in a persons life just like the categorys on a persons buddy list. usually, the less important people are in a BIIIIG GROUP towards the bottom... in many cases, unconciously the person at the very top of the list is usually the most important. i have noticed this in many peoples sidekicks..the stupiid insider names for people..or the usual "thirstys"..whatever it is..everyone is in a category..which brings me to my next word..


1.the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the outside world and thus

mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment

2. An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit.

3. self-esteem or self-image; feelings

it is this word that has been the leading cause to all of my impatience and horrible non content-ness..i do not think of myself as a prideful person..but it has recently been brought to my knowledge that i have a required amount of attention needed from people i care about. the people who are of little importance to me, are treated in that manner..they are acquaintance of which i check up on.. but those who do matter a significant amount, are in my eyes, placed on a pedestal to a certain degrre. i put just ass much energy into the people i love as i do for my craft of writing. so when i excpect the same in return, i always come up short handed.
to this lack of effort from everyone else is this... people have better things to do then gawk and proclaim in a shakspearen way how great and wonderfully awesome there loved ones are. and no one can ever do that as well as me. i get it now...sort of i think. people come to me for that loving effort when needed..
but .. i often ask myself when is it my turn..