u cant change a man. the biggest mistake you can make is to walk into a relationship or be in one, and think that you can change his "ways"...HOWEVER, there is a diffrence between changing a man, and COMPROMISING with one. a women must always lower her standards slightly to be with the man she is in love with..Men only care about there interest(sports,food,rest,and then you) and in THAT order.and only one at a time. (bekus men dont multi-task)
Men are SIMPLE.. all they want are three things from you. he wants you in a good mood, he wants you quiet, and he wants you to...lick him.. i have learned to be selectively silent..usually, if its in my head, i want it out my mouth.. you know how people say "pick your battles"..sorta like that. Know when to shut up..the issues that a women thinks is an issue..the man is never aware of it, and usually thinks evreything is fine.
"I LOVE YOU"'s are important to both men and women.
WOMEN, are AUDIO-VISUAL. We need to see it, hear it. We need evidence and proof..not faith and hope.MEN are Kinesthetic.
there is no fight you can ever win. fighting is like a car, evrey dent, u can cover up with paint..but its still a dent.98 percent of the time,its the women who starts the fight. because women think they can take a hit and get over it, but we get over nothing. we hold grudges from bitches in 3rd grade.