ONLY ii.. would have to get my stomach pumped for swallowing tooth numbing pain re leaver... thats so dumb!! y wuld they hav u put stuff in ur mouth that u cant swallow.. just like toothpaste.. n e wayyyys... ii miissed my blog.. and my much needed ME TiiME has had some wonderful results...
ii think this year, im waaaaaay more self confident. and ii thiink bekus of my hair,)ii have some wiierd sexual presence..?..dus that make sense?(II WISH U KULD SEEE MY FACE!!...) like, im not sexy..but how ever u wuld define for me..and only me ii believe. ii also fiind that my attraction to the opposite sex has increased in a large percentage. lol.. ii cant help but admire and appreciate a good looking guy..since i so very rarely see them!!! its nice to be able to flirt with no obligations..and to receive numbers, even tho i kno ii wont be dialing LOVE FAKE NAILS!!! I SWEEEEEEAR!! dont ask me why..but ii hav noticed that the first thing a dude pays attention to is my nails.. so wiierd..ii was complimented, and ii asked whut was it about..and i was told, that nails that r done make a girl look okaaaay..eeven tho ii kno sum kute nail haviin DOO DOO MAMAs!!....nails..just like me, makes me feel trapped. they r glued on, and i feel like my real nails are slowly trying to b lady like....but ii think ill save artificial nails for special occasions, like.... my wedding ill stick to my homemade polka dots from now on....