

Words Not in Dictionary

  • ACCORDIONATED (ah kor' de on ay tid) adj. Being able to drive and refolda road map at the same time.

  • AQUADEXTROUS (ak wa deks' trus) adj. Possessing the ability to turn thebathtub faucet on and off with your toes.

  • DIMP (dimp) n. A person who insults you in a cheap department store byasking, "Do you work here?"

  • DISCONFECT (dis kon fekt') v. To sterilize the piece of candy youdropped on the floor by blowing on it, somehow assuming this will 'remove' all thegerms.

  • PETOPHOBIC (peh toe fo' bik) adj. One who is embarrassed to undress infront of a household pet. PHONESIA (fo nee' zhuh) n. The affliction of dialing a phone number andforgetting whom you were calling just as they answer

  • IGLY-Uglyer then Ugly.......damn