to whom it may concern:
ii do entirely way too much for you. i place ur problems before my own. ii give you money, love, && affection at a moments notice.. rule number one: no man should ever have his hand out to a women. point blank. and ii support you, but ii kant continue to support u if u wont even support yourself. no job, no car, no realistic obtainable goals?? I'm not saying you cant be a rapper, or play ball, or own your own fortune 5 company.. I'm saying what are you doing to move forward?.. to progress in your dreams? nothing but holding your hand out to me. ...its not even about me being obviously almost better off without you.its a different thing when you need moral support, or a sense of stability. that I'm hear for.but don't take advantage of my kindness. don't take it for a weakness, and certainly don't think i wont catch on. Ive milked so many niggas, i should own a fucking cow ranch.what benefit are you in my life, when all your doing is taking up space, energy && my precious time. you make little to no efforts to show your appreciation. can anigga get a thankyou.. I'm sure you hear this part everyday.. but "your young and you have your entire life to fail and make decisions." you still have allot of growing up to do. but ii am not your mother. ii refuse to work 2 jobs to put money into a little boys pocket especially when its not benefiting him nor me... "dick is free.. pussy costs money"...juss know that. the stage im at in my life, im transitioning into women hood, i have an entire life of my own to deal with..ii cant carry the weight of your world on my shoulders. if i wanted a child i would have had one. im only 19, and while im growing and learning, and experiencing the best and worst things about life, i dont have the time nor patience to carry a really cute life size paper weight with me wherever i that, i mean you need to be without me. you need to grow up and become a man, and you cant do that if your always relying on me. i cannot love you anymore then the person standing next to me at a bus stop. u have completely distorted my way of thinking.. all becus you caught me off guard in my weakest moment of life... && i promise you it wont happen again.