ii really hav this strong belief that at niight when im in my deepest sleep, a midget comes and beats the shyt out of me.. this past week, ive woken up soar as fuck. && i rarely curse..but dammit this shyt hurts.. last night i woke up with a swollen eye, and today i feel like sumone was playin hopscotch on my collarbone.. this seems to make more since then to want to imagein me giving myself the asswoopin of my life. lol i kno im laughin, as u all are too, but this is no joke guys.. i gotta catch these little shyt fuks in action... anywho... its like 12 and im icing my right side...talkiin to Paulie about how she shuld name her blog..Paulie dusnt want a craker... funny riight?.. i kno.. i krak myself up sometimes.. n e ways.. i come bak to LA 2marro, and i already have several chill sessions lined up .. people dont miss my ass until im gone.. whutever thats about. im scared to go to sleep... not bekus its dark, or i just saw a scary movie..but bekus i know these fukers are waitin on me..