someone told me that when your absolutley fed up with whatever it is your going thru, then youll stop making excuses for reasonsto keep yourself in that same beyond fed up. with especially titred of being treated like a child/ prisoner in my supposedly own "home".. evryone who knows me, knows all the situations ive been thru with my mother, and all of the sneaking around to be a teenager ii had to do.. and evryones salution was "just leave"..and now ii think its tiime. 2 jobs and school wuldnt bother mer at all. id rather be broke, tired and happy, then unhappy, tired, and still broke... these issues are way deeper then arguments about scholarships and not being able to go out an dparty when ii want. iim overly done.. ii have no fear of her, or n e one else for that matter. iim alot diffrent then a year ago. ii need to do me. because trying to "respect the houshold". isnt getting me n e where. iif ii dont go to hampton, im moving out. end of story. im packing all my shyt, and one day very soon, im gunna leave. this is my yer of rebellion, where evrything ive supresed against my mother is coming out.