ii went to church for the first time in months.. to my suprise ii find people pregnant. let me just say that ii strongly hate the world ii liive in. ii hate what we as a people have become. the materialistic ways of the world. there is so much more to life then sex, drugs, tats, and "Ghost ridin the whip"... i cant help but get caught up in the funn of it all, and the more my personal issues grow thicker, the more ii run away from them and into the things that help them all go away. the only time ii dont feel alone is when im phsyically engaged in someone else. someone who can distract my attention, someone who isnt a constant reminder of the failure that ii am.. im so lost in my life riight now. (as far as skool is concerned).. im all talk no show. im the bes bullshyter ever. but thers nothing left to bullshyt bekus u cant bullshyt 3 F's, about to be 4. u kant bullshyt academic probation. u kant smile and say evrything is okay. i miight as well be a prego.. no burden is bigger then the next.. ii juss hope the one ii carry everyday, is actually fixable.